
Friday, 24 August 2012

Recovering old chairs part 2

Ta da, i actually have the photos to put up!!!! usually i say i will and i don't... but not today people, today I DO.

So when i set about to recover these 4 chairs for Tamas new work space I had to actually find fabric cheap enough to make it worth while. I can't believe how expensive cool funky upholstery fabric is!!!!! right, does anyone in New Zealand have a good source for me apart from Spotlight???

So off to spotlight it was. I really could (and actually do) spend hours looking and trying to choose fabric, but it was made easier in that a couple of us had already worked out the colour scheme in the rooms and had picked the wall paper so I had some colour perimeters to work with.

I chose a cool black and white/cream spotted, kind of giraffe/leopard spots, for the admin office reception area, and a nice green for the lounge.

When recovering them i had a few issues. The first was actually unscrewing the arms to get the old fabric off. Some were ok but on some the screws had lost their thread and Tama had to help. The second thing was is was not just a straight forward staple gun round the edges. I had to create a pattern and sew the back as slip cover and then staple the bottom. It was all good but took a little longer. The third thing was after two chairs my hands were SO SORE trying to use the staple gun. I really must be weak and would totally love a air compressed gun as once again I had to call on my trusty husband to get those staples in securely.

But I am totally happy with how they turned out, yay.

The admin office has a really nice yellow and a rich choc brown as colours with white walls so the spotted chairs looked great in there.

The green looks great with the wallpaper.

In total the fabric didn't even cost $30!!!! so I was really happy to get four chairs done for less that $10 each. A total saving. Can't wait for my next project.

1 comment:

  1. That is so good collection of chais. The collection is from native to modern.
